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Approved 2024-25 Fees

Jordan School District, in coordination with schools, recommends fees to the Board of Education for authorization in order to run programs and activities for students. The school district sets maximum fee amounts in order to maintain a level of consistency and equity across the district. However, other fees can vary depending on school need. These fees are established in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Utah State Legislature and the Utah State Board of Education.

After two open public meetings, the Jordan School District Board of Education unanimously approved the 2024-25 fee schedule on March 19, 2024 at their scheduled Board Meeting.

School principals have been designated as the administrators of the school fees and fee waivers. Consequently, you should direct questions regarding fees or fee waivers to your principal.

High School & Middle School Fees

Registration fees could be viewed as a user fee which helps lower property taxes. Along with other general revenues, schools are allocated funds and personnel using money collected through registration fees, property taxes, WPU, and other sources.

Where does the money go?

District Examples Include: School Examples Include:
Additional School Office Staff ACT Snacks Homecoming Activities
Credit Card Fees Academic Certificates Leadership Groups: Hope Squad/CURE/LIA/SBO/Etc. (School Assigned Activities)
School Media/Library Activity Cards Instructional Equipment
School Postage Assemblies Parades
School Supplies Award Breakfasts Pep Rallies
School Technology State Qualifying Recognitions School Pins
Banners School Pride Items
Charity Drive Activities Service Projects
College Awareness Sophomore T-Shirts
Culture Events Spirit Activities
End of Year Recognitions Student of the Month
Field Trips Welcome Back BBQ
Graduation Expenses Instructional Supplies
Guest Speakers